Cataloging the world's data for great good
Session Type | Live |
Start time | 17:00 |
End time | 17:30 |
Countdown link | Open timer |
There will be brief discussion of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, as well as global issues such as child mortality and hunger.
Humanity has made incredible progress across a wide range of measures, even as we face massive challenges. But the data for it all is scattered in the wind, stuck in excel files of massive organisations, in tiny addendums to research papers, and even in government tweets. Roll up your sleeves, we'll dive into efforts at Our World in Data to collect, organise and republish this data for great good!
(see abstract)

Lars is an engineering lead and data scientist, currently leading the tech team at Our World In Data, where he tries to wrangle the world's datasets into shape and share insights into how we can make the world better.