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Stay tuned for 2021

Published 16 February, 2021

Following the success of PyConline AU 2020, and with the lack of certainty in the world, PyCon AU is again running virtually in 2021 as PyConline AU, in UTC+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). We intend to run in late Q3 (~ September), but we have yet to confirm the exact date.

While we would love to host all y'all in person, we cannot reasonably know if large gatherings of people will be safe to have in any place within Australia. We also cannot reasonably know if it will be safe for our international friends to travel for such an event. With this in mind, we will be running virtually again in 2021 so that we can gather in a way that is safe to do so for our entire community.

The nexus of the core team has formed, and we'll put out our call for presentations soon.

Between now and then, if you are interested in helping PyConline happen, please get in touch at contact@pycon.org.au. We are looking for those that want to help out for the next six months as we form the event; a call for volunteers for on-virtual-site logistics will happen close to the event.

To keep in touch with the conference, follow us on Twitter or signup for our announcements (found on the lower right of this page.)

From the 2021 team,

Richard Jones
Katie McLaughlin
Jack Skinner